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Elevate 2025: FileMaker Server Workshop Live with Wim Decorte
Performant Deployments
The FileMaker Server logs: what do they reveal?
Monitoring platforms (Zabbix / DataDog), notifications, escalation and self-healing
WebDirect workers and worker load balancing
JAVA installation options and JAVA garbage collection
Secure deployments
SSL certificates
Generating and issuing a certificate
Installing a certificate
DNS and routing implications
Let’s Encrypt options
WebDirect + nginx load-balancing deployment
The most secure way to expose your WebDirect solution
Restricting access to solution and admin console
HTTPS tunneling instead of port 5003
Deployment automation
FileMaker Server admin CLI and API
CLI tools: DMT and dev tools
How they can help with automated deployments
Assisted install and automated installation and updates
Advanced topics
Specialized schedules
Script sequence and system script schedules
Specialized backups
Parallel backups
Non-FileMaker Server backup options: safe snapshots
JAVA installation options and JAVA garbage collection
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